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Guardrails for developers,
Superpowers for guardians.

Rapidly reveal, resolve and prevent misalignment
between your policies and code, with Tillion’s AI Data Guardian


Unparalleled data usage monitoring reduces risk and drives compliance


An automated governance layer reduces time-waste and costs


Guardrails empower your team to code fast with confidence

Today, companies struggle to align policies and code, resulting in policy breaches and increased risk:


How data can be used


How data is actually used

Tillion’s AI Data Guardian automatically links your code to policies, and continuously identifies misalignment:

1. Scan policies

to understand how data can be used

2. Scan the code

to understand how data is actually being used

5. Resolve issues

to minimize risk

3. Link code to policies

to align data usage

4. Flag misalignment

to reveal and prioritize issues

Today, companies struggle to align policies and code, resulting in policy breaches and increased risk



How data can be used

How data is actually used

Tillion’s AI Data Guardian automatically links your code to policies, and continuously identifies misalignment:

1. Scan policies

To understand how data can be used

2. Scan the code

To understand how data is actually being used

3. Link code to policies

To align data usage

4. Flag misalignment

To reveal and prioritize issues

5. Resolve issues

To minimize risk

Your AI Data Guardian

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